email         1800-411-CLUB (2582)


How Can 1800411CLUB Help You?

At 1800411CLUB, we care about our customers. We know that the only waynetwork to keep your business is to help your business thrive. This means getting you the technology that’s a perfect fit, and making sure it’s operational whenever you need it. Our team of industry-certified engineers and technicians work tirelessly to make sure your technology is as dependable as possible. If a problem does arise, we make sure to provide support 24/7.

We also know that every business has different levels of need, depending on size, industry, and ability. We offer a wide variety of services to cover any and all of your technological capabilities:


Since every business is different, we know that it’s important to listen to each client’s unique business goals and technology needs. The key is matching your internal processes, goals, and expertise with a specific technology solution, which is what we provide during our consultations.

We’ll be able to work alongside you to develop a strategy that improves the efficiency and structure of your IT systems. We’ll work with you as you decide which technology to purchase, how to install it, and how to maintain it. We can even help develop and train your staff on the technology that you choose to implement. As your IT Consultant, we’re at your beck and call to help you however you like!

Deployment & Installation

Even if you don’t need help building a strategy around your IT, you probably need help rolling it out. Deploying and installing new software is an extremely complex process. Oversights and unexpected issues can quickly halt operations or open your business up to unnecessary risk. Additionally, deployment and installation becomes incredibly time-consuming and expensive if you don’t have the proper experience.

At 1800411CLUB, we’re able to help you with your deployment and installation throughout the entire process. This includes planning and preparing resources, performing installations, carefully monitoring and testing deployments, and even training your staff. Afterwards, we’ll be more than happy to provide continual performance monitoring and support for your new technology.

System Administration & Desktop Support

The more systems your business has, the more desperate you’ll be for central management. Allowing 1800411CLUB to take care of this for you means that you’ll have 24/7 support for all of your mission-critical hardware, software, workstations, and servers. You’ll never have to worry about your technology negatively impacting day-to-day operations again.

Here’s a sample of the tasks we can perform for you as your dedicated systems administrator:

  • Setting up and configuring workstations as you need to add or move them
  • Creating and managing new user accounts
  • Rolling out company-wide software installations, updates, and patches
  • Monitoring the security of your hardware by preventing things like malware, trojans, and viruses
  • Handling your data, ensuring its security, and making it easy for required users to access and work with it

Network Support and Incident Management

Network management is vital to ensure a smooth workday. You need to make sure your network has minimal downtime and is quick enough to perform all necessary business operations. This means handling cabling and network configurations and monitoring hardware, like switches, routers, access points, and servers. We’ll handle of all this and more – going the extra step to make sure you’re fully protected with the proper network security and firewalls.

We’re also able to handle incident management for you. Whenever somebody on your network has an issue, they can simply send it to us and we’ll resolve it for you. It’s as simple as that. When you work with 1800411CLUB, IT becomes stress-free!